Statkeeper Version 1.3 Copyright 1992,1993 by William G. Shipley All rights reserved Statkeeper will keep records of scoring data for each of your rounds, generate statistics and calculate 18 hole and 9 hole handicaps based on 1993 USGA rules. Listings of course data and summary data for each round can be displayed. Your current handicap and a plot of the last year of your handicap values can also be shown. The program requires Windows Version 3.0 or higher running in Standard or 386 Enhanced mode. Version 1.3 may be freely distributed as long as this text file is included. In return for a $25 registration fee ($15 to registered users of previous versions), I will send you Version 3.0. This version adds the following features to those described for Version 1.3. 1.Automated setup. - A setup program is provided which will copy all files to the appropriate directories and create a Program Manager Group and a Statkeeper Icon. 2.Multiple player records. - Records for up to 1000 players can be maintained. 3.Record filtering. - Scoring data can be filtered by course and range of dates. Score and statistics displays reflect only those scores meeting the filter setting. Printout and export of scores and statistics are also limited by the filter. 4.Single course statistics. - If the data filter is set to a single course, average scores on each hole and a ranking of the holes for the selected course is included on the statistics screen. 5.Printing of course info, scores, statistics, and/or handicaps for multiple players. - Any combination of printouts can be selected for any number of players in one operation. 6.Export of score and/or handicap data to text files. - Data for selected players can be exported to quoted string, comma delimited text files. These files can be imported into spreadsheets, databases, or other applications. 7.Built-in context sensitive help. - Pressing F1 will provide pertinent information. Help can also be called from the menu bar. A list of contents and keywords are provided. Version 3.0 is available only from the author at the address listed below. William G. Shipley 798 Blenheim Ct. Severna Park, MD 21146 Installation Create a directory for the program files. Copy all files to this directory. Run SK13.EXE to start the program. Getting Started Follow the steps listed below. Enter the first Player's Name (see Adding a Player). You should then Set the Starting Date and the Handicap Update Rate (see Configure Dates). You must also Enter Data for at least one Course (see Entering Course Data) before you can Enter Scoring Data (see Entering Score Data). To be safe, you should periodically backup your data files. 000.HCP, 000.SCR, 000.PLR, PLAYERS.DAT, COURSE.DAT, and CONFIG.DAT files should be copied to a floppy or other safe place. Adding a Player Select FILE-OPEN from the menu bar. Click on the top line of the list box and type the name to be added. Click on the Select button after typing the name and the name will be added to the list and you will be returned to the main screen. This version will allow only one name to be added to the list. Deleting a Player Select FILE-OPEN from the menu bar. Click on the player to be deleted and then click on the Delete button. Be careful, as this will delete the Player's name from the list and will delete all Scoring records for that player. You will be returned to the main screen after the Player deletion. Entering Course Data Select ENTER-COURSES from the menu bar. Enter a unique course name. Check 9 Hole if a 9 hole course is being entered and there are not dual tees. If 9 Hole is checked, then duplicate pars will be entered on the front and back 9's. Enter course Yardage, Slope and Course Rating if known. Enter the Course Rating and/or Yardage based on 18 holes (double a 9 hole Rating or Yardage). If a Course Rating is not entered, Yardage must be supplied. Enter Par for each hole. Do not press after entering a number. The cursor will advance automatically. Click on Done when you are satisfied that the data is correct and complete. Entering Score Data Select ENTER-SCORES from the menu bar. Select a Course from the list presented. You must enter a valid date. Make sure the correct Score Type (18 Hole, Front 9,or Back 9) is selected. Enter your Score for each hole. The cursor advances automatically as you enter Scores. If you enter a "1" digit the cursor will not advance until you type a second digit. If you need to enter a hole-in-one, press after entering the "1". If you do not have hole by hole score information, Scores may still be entered for Handicap calculations. Check the Enter Totals box on the right of the form. Enter Gross and Adjusted (Gross Score - ESC adjustments) Scores. An Adjusted score must be supplied. Scores entered in this way will be used in calculating Handicaps and will appear in Score lists, but will not be used when generating Statistics. Editing Course Data Select EDIT-COURSES from the menu bar. Select a Course from the list. You may change any item except the Course Name. Click on Done when finished. You may also delete the Course by clicking on the Delete button. Scores previously entered for this course will not be deleted but will not be used when generating Statistics or when recalculating Handicaps. You will be asked if you want Handicaps recalculated. If you answer "Yes", your Handicap will be recalculated immediately. This may cause a significant delay if a large amount of data has been entered. Editing Score Data Select EDIT-SCORES from the menu bar. Select the Date for the Round to be edited. You may change any item on the form. Click on Done when finished. You may also delete the Round by clicking the delete button. Edit or deletion will cause a Handicap recalculation. This may cause a significant delay if a large amount of data has been entered. Recalculate Handicaps Select EDIT-RECALC from the menu bar. Use this command to force a recalculation of your Handicap. Displaying Course Data Select DISPLAY-COURSES from the menu bar. A list showing data for all entered Courses will be displayed. Also shown is the current Course Handicap for the player for each listed Course. Course Handicaps will not be shown until a valid Handicap is established (at least 5 Scores prior to an Update). Displaying Score Data Select DISPLAY-SCORES from the menu bar. A summary of all entered Rounds is shown. The information shown includes the Date the Round was played, the Course Name, the Score (Gross Score), Adjusted Score (Gross Score - ESC adjustments), and the Net Score ( Gross Score - Course Handicap). Displaying Statistics Select DISPLAY-STATISTICS from the menu bar. A table showing the Average Score, the number of Holes-in-one, Double Eagles, Eagles, Birdies, Pars, Bogies, Double Bogies, >Double Bogies, and Percentages of each type for par 3's, 4's and 5's is presented. Displaying Handicap Select DISPLAY-HANDICAP from the menu bar. A Graph will be produced which shows the history of the Nine and Eighteen Hole Handicaps for the past year. You won't see any data plotted until the Scores entered establish a valid Handicap (at least 5 Scores prior to an Update). The current Handicap as of the last Update is shown at the bottom. Click on the List button to see a list showing Handicaps at each Update. The last line shows the Handicap as of the current date. This Handicap is not in effect until the date shown on that line. Configure Dates Select CONFIG-DATES from the menu bar. Enter a convenient Starting Date which is earlier than the date of the first Score you will enter. The Interval you select here will determine the rate at which Handicap Updates will be done. This should be done prior to entering any data, but it is possible to change these settings after data has been entered. This will cause a an immediate recalculation of the Handicap. This may cause a significant delay if a large amount of data has been entered. Configure Player Data Select CONFIG-PLAYER DATA from the menu bar (this form is also automatically presented when entering the first Score data for a Player). Select the Sex of the Player (some USGA handicap rules are different for men and women) and enter Starting Handicaps if a USGA type Handicap has been previously established. If you do not enter a previous Handicap, the program will automatically supply the default maximum Handicap values (36.4 and 18.2 for men or 40.4 and 20.2 for women). If this data is changed after Scores are entered, an automatic recalculation of the Handicap will occur. Quit Program Select FILE-QUIT from the menu bar to exit program.